What's In A Kiss ?
A loadful of happiness and bliss.
Is it great truly?
Not only that but it is heavenly.
What's in a kiss ?
Sugary sweet like pie & honey.
Nice it's really ?
No doubt , you can ask O'Reilly.
Then, I want a kiss
First you must find a loving Miss.
Why not that lady ?
She's spoken for can't you see ?
Can I steal a kiss ?
Why not , if you make it your biz.
Is that no lie ?
Puck your lips and hope to die .
Is it great truly?
Not only that but it is heavenly.
What's in a kiss ?
Sugary sweet like pie & honey.
Nice it's really ?
No doubt , you can ask O'Reilly.
Then, I want a kiss
First you must find a loving Miss.
Why not that lady ?
She's spoken for can't you see ?
Can I steal a kiss ?
Why not , if you make it your biz.
Is that no lie ?
Puck your lips and hope to die .